Jerwood Foundation supports excellence and emerging talent in the arts in the UK and welcomes funding applications from organisations.
Our Spring funding round is now open 5 February, 9am (closing 19 March 5pm) and will be awarded in May 2025.
Trustees will only consider applications for projects starting more than 3 months, but less than 12 months, from the funding round closing date.
Applicants will be contacted within 2 weeks of the Trustee meeting date which will be held on 30 April 2025.
DCA Print Studio. Photographer Erika Stevenson.
Tracing Movement. Photo credit Robin Kent.
Recent projects we've funded
Sound Roots Artist Mentoring Programme
£20,000 AWARDED YEARS: 2025/2026Over the next two years Jerwood Foundation will support Sound Roots’ Artist Mentoring Programme. Sound Roots supports grassroots music careers in folk and beyond and this funding will provide world-class mentoring and performance opportunities for eight outstanding UK folk and grassroots artists at a pivotal stage in their career to enable them to emerge as fully-fledged artists.
HighTide Theatre: Jerwood HighTide Writers Group
£40,000 AWARDED YEARS: 2025/2026Over the next two years Jerwood Foundation will support the Jerwood HighTide Writers Group, through a new partnership with HighTide Theatre. This will allow the existing programme to support six emerging writers from the East of England per year for two years.
Far From The Norm: NORMGROUND
£20,000 awarded Years: 2025/2026Over the next two years Jerwood Foundation will support NORMGROUND, through a new partnership with Far From The Norm. The grant will allow two editions of the existing artistic learning and development programme; in London in 2025 and Manchester in 2026.
Brixton Chamber Orchestra: Christmas 2024 and Summer 2025 Estates Tours
£25,000 AWARDED YEARS: 2024/2025Jerwood Foundation has continued to support the work of Brixton Chamber Orchestra by awarding them a grant of £25,000. This support helps enable their Christmas and summer tours of housing estates in Lambeth. The funds will go toward the fees for young professional musicians.
National Life Stories: Crafts’ Lives.
£18,000 AWARDED YEARS: 2024/2025This support of National Life Stories: Crafts’ Lives will enable five life story recordings with leading makers in 2024 and 2025. Crafts’ Lives was established a quarter of a century ago, and the project documents the lives of Britain’s leading craftsmen and craftswomen for National Life Stories (NLS), the oral history fieldwork charity based at the British Library.
National Life Stories: Artists’ Lives
£15,000 AWARDED YEARS: 2024/2025Jerwood Foundation has awarded Artists’ Lives a grant of £15,000 to make three long-form life story recordings with important British artists in 2024 and 2025. Artists’ Lives is part of National Life Stories (NLS), an oral history charity based in the British Library; the archive now comprises over 450 in-depth autobiographical testimonies with artists and art world professionals.
Richard Chappell Dance : Supporting Acts
£10,000 AWARDED YEARS: 2024/2025Jerwood Foundation has awarded a grant of £10,000 to Richard Chappell Dance, towards Supporting Acts, which will enable four early career choreographers based in, or from the Southwest of England the chance to create new work through bespoke commissioning, residency, mentoring and programming. Supporting Acts has been shaped to empower dance makers to deepen their creative practice and develop their artistic voices. The four commissioned artists will be creating work from Spring to Autumn 2025.
Complicité’s Artist Development Programme: Mudlarks
£20,900 AWARDED YEARS: 2024/2025This support of Complicité’s Artist Development Programme, Mudlarks’ will fund two of the three strands within the programme namely: Mudlarks ‘International Residency’ and ‘Supported by’, that make up this comprehensive artist development initiative, designed to provide early career practitioners with the time and support to develop their practice.
Almeida Theatre: Almeida Makers
£50,000 AWARDED YEARS: 2024/25/26Over the next two years Jerwood Foundation will support Almeida Makers, through a new partnership with the Almeida Theatre. This new programme will support eight early and mid-career directors and designers each year. Cat on a Hot Tin Roof Associate Director Justina Kehinde will be the first artist platformed by Almeida Makers.
Jerwood Residencies at Edinburgh Printmakers
£45,235 AWARDED YEARS: 2024/25/26Through this new partnership with Edinburgh Printmakers, six talented emerging printmakers will be supported in the development of their etching and intaglio skills to enable them to pursue high-level careers in printmaking. A folio of their work will be exhibited and produced for both Jerwood and Edinburgh Printmakers Permanent Collections. As part of this award, selected works from the Jerwood Collection will also be exhibited at Edinburgh Printmakers in 2025.
Birmingham Royal Ballet: BRB2
£100,000 AWARDED YEARS: 2024/25/26Over the next two years Jerwood Foundation will provide support for BRB2, Birmingham Royal Ballet’s Junior Company. BRB2 is a company comprised of some of the very best young ballet graduates from around the world. This funding will support 15 dancers (BRB2 cohort 2, 3 & 4) and deliver 2 regional tours of a new ballet programme to 8-10 venues, reaching over 12,000 audience members to enable the next generation of ballet dancer to thrive and launch the careers of these future ballet artists.
Curwen Print Study Centre
£10,000 AWARDED YEAR: 2024Jerwood Foundation has awarded a grant of £10,000 to the Curwen Print Study Centre. Established in the late 1990s by Master Printer Stanley Jones MBE and local entrepreneur and art lover Sam Alper OBE, the Curwen Print Study Centre is dedicated to the protection and preservation of fine art printmaking and has established a reputation for excellence in its field. This grant will enable the completion of their archive project through the development of a free, online resource for the public.
Britten Pears Arts: Britten Pears Young Artist Programme
£50,000 awarded YEARS: 2024/25/26This partnership and support of Britten Pears Young Artist Programme (BPYAP) over the next two years will offer career enhancing training and performance opportunities to early career singers, instrumentalists, composers and conductors. Its residential courses based at sites in coastal Suffolk see the next generation of classical musicians being tutored at the highest level of musical training by industry leading artists.
Royal College of Music: Jerwood Visiting Artist Fund
£30,000 Awarded YEARS: 2024/2025Through this partnership with the Royal College of Music (RCM), the establishment of the Jerwood Visiting Artist Fund will provide invaluable learning experiences for Royal College of Music students, by supporting a vibrant programme of masterclasses, concerts, and collaborations with leading international musicians during 2024-2025, developing the next generation of musical talent.
MK Gallery: Vanessa Bell Solo Exhibition Catalogue
£20,000 Awarded YEAR: 2024Jerwood Foundation is delighted to support the forthcoming Vanessa Bell exhibition at MK Gallery through the publication of a fully illustrated catalogue containing newly commissioned essays which will accompany the largest solo exhibition to date of Vanessa Bell’s work. The exhibition will also feature work on loan from Jerwood Collection.
DanceEast Commissioning Programme
£50,159 Awarded YEARS: 2024/2025This partnership with DanceEast’s world class commissioning programme will support the creation of two new dance pieces by some of the UK’s foremost dancemakers, seeking to further their careers in this industry. DanceEast will provide access to Jerwood DanceHouse’s state-of-the art digital studios and wraparound support from its sector-leading creative teams to help bring these new works to fruition to inspire new and existing audiences.
Film and Video Umbrella: FVU New Takes
£10,000 Awarded YEARS: 2024/2025This support of Film and Video Umbrellas’ New Takes programme will offer the commissioning opportunity for three early career visual artists to test ideas and realise new moving image works with the specialist support of Film and Video Umbrella. For three decades FVU has led the way in championing new creative talent and promoting innovative ideas.
Arcangelo: Arcangelo’s New Ensemblists Programme
£20,000 Awarded YEARS: 2024/25/26This funding of Arcangelo’s New Ensemblists Programme will provide innovative tailored training and professional support over two years, for five exceptional musicians, selected to join the third cohort of its successful programme. Arcangelo is an award winning, internationally acclaimed period performance ensemble.
London Philharmonic Orchestra: Young Composers Programme
£60,000 Awarded YEARS: 2024/25/26/27This partnership with London Philharmonic Orchestra’s Young Composers Programme over the next three years, will support 15 early career composers as they seek to build successful careers in the industry, offering a platform for new and diverse compositional voices to be heard, which will enrich and expand the contemporary repertoire to inspire and excite new audiences.
Art Fund: Jerwood Art Fund Commissions
£402,000 Awarded YEARS: 2024/25/26/27Through this new partnership with Art Fund, Jerwood Art Fund Commissions will provide support for museums and galleries to collaborate with artists to make work of exceptional innovation and quality, across all visual art forms and disciplines on new commissions. Two successful organisations will receive grants of £70,000 – £100,000 per year over the course of three years.
Pentabus: Jerwood Writer in Residence
£40,000 awarded YEARS: 2024/2025This support and partnership will allow the continuation of the Writer in Residence Programme for emerging playwrights. In recognition of Jerwood’s support, the award will be renamed the Jerwood Writer in Residence.
Granta Trust: Jerwood Photography Commissions
£15,820 awarded YEAR: 2024This funding enables the Granta Trust to commission early career photographers for work to be published in Granta magazine and Granta Trust’s primary aim is to introduce new voices to a wide readership and to provide authors and photographers with a platform for work that would not be published elsewhere.
Scherzo Ensemble: Longhope Orchestra production of Donizetti Don Pasquale
£10,000 awarded YEAR: 2024This funding helps support the fees for the Longhope Opera Orchestra, which is made up of recently graduated young professionals, and enables the performance of Donizetti’s comedy Don Pasquale at Longhope Opera on 6 and 7 July 2024.
Forward Arts Foundation: Jerwood Best Single Poem-Performed
£30,000 awarded YEAR: 2024Jerwood Foundation's support and partnership will develop and elevate the impact of the 2024 Forward Prizes for Poetry. In recognition of Jerwood’s support, the newest prize category will be renamed the Jerwood Prize for Best Single Poem – Performed.
Royal Court Theatre
£150,000 awarded YEAR: 2024Jerwood Foundation's grant will support Artistic Director, David Byrne, with his inaugural season of work, as well as the Court's overall ambition to cultivate, advocate for, and support theatre writers.
Ransack Dance Company: Arrive at Home
£10,000 awarded YEAR: 2024Jerwood Foundation's support helps enable Ransack Dance Company's career development project, Arrive at Home, for emerging choreographers and dancers culminating with an emerging choreographers performance platform, Arrive Dance Platform.
Oxford Song: Young Artist Programme
£30,000 Awarded YEARS: 2024/2025Jerwood Foundation's support helps enable the Oxford International Song Festival's Young Artist Programme from Spring 2024. The Young Artist Programme offers a range of high-quality training and performance opportunities for duos in the early stages of their careers.
Outside In: Exploring Collections course
£15,080 awarded YEAR: 2023Jerwood Foundation's support enables Outside In to run two Exploring Collection courses in 2024. The courses allow participants and artists to gain the skills needed to find employment or volunteering opportunities in the arts and have access to both Jerwood and Outside In collections.
Paintings in Hospitals
£20,000 awarded YEARS: 2023/2024This two-year grant enables Paintings in Hospitals to conserve, restore and digitise a portion of their extensive art collection so that the works can be enjoyed by the public again. By being able to restore the artworks, Paintings in Hospitals can increase the number of artworks offered for loan.
Studio Wayne McGregor: Resident 6
£60,000 awarded YEARS: 2023/24/25Jerwood's support helps enable a creative residency at Studio Wayne McGregor for emerging artists pushing the boundaries of dance, movement and physical intelligence. RESIDENT 6 gives six artists access to the studio’s full range of spaces for making, experimenting, and collaborating.
London Symphony Orchestra: Jerwood Composer + 2024-2027
£72,000 awarded YEARS: 2023/24/25Funding from Jerwood enables the Jerwood Composer+ programme to support two composers a year in 2023 and 2024. LSO Jerwood Composer+ nurtures extraordinary early-career composers to realise their artistic ambitions through a 15-month placement.
Glyndebourne: Jerwood Pit Perfect
£180,000 awarded YEARS: 2023/24/25Funding from Jerwood Foundation has enabled Glyndebourne to expand its talent development scheme for orchestral instrumentalists. The renamed Jerwood Pit Perfect offers recent graduates the opportunity to join The Glyndebourne Sinfonia during the autumn season.
Arnolfini: Art for Enjoyment
£16,500 awarded YEARS: 2023/24/25Jerwood Collection and Arnolfini are collaborating on a three-year project which will draw on Jerwood's extensive collection of modern and contemporary art to bring to life Arnolfini's exhibition archive.
Corn Exchange Newbury: Take it Outside
£42,947 awarded YEARS: 2023/24/25Jerwood's support has helped enable the Take it Outside programme, offering 6 early career artists the opportunity to lead innoviation and artform development to create work for outdoor contexts.
Bush Theatre: Staged by Jerwood
£60,000 awarded YEARS: 2023/24/25Jerwood's funding supports Staged by Jerwood, a two-year programme that enables the commissioning of four plays by the Bush’s Emerging Writers Group along with assisting with production costs.
Dundee Contemporary Arts: DCA Print Studio x Jerwood Residencies
£57,728 awarded YEARS: 2023/24/25Jerwood's support helps fund four, month-long residencies based in Dundee Contemporary Art's Print Studio. Artists will gain access to DCA’s equipment and support from expert printmakers in a collaborative studio environment.
Focal Point Gallery: FPG x Jerwood Presents
£45,000 awarded YEARS: 2023/24/25Jerwood's support enables FPG x Jerwood Presents to commission two artists to produce their first solo institutional exhibitions. Focal Point Gallery (FPG) will present four exhibitions alongside a programme of workshops, talks, and offsite projects.
Hofesh Shechter Company: Jerwood Shechter II
£60,000 awarded YEARS: 2023/24/25Jerwood has awarded a grant to support Shechter II’s 12-month Performance and Development Programme. This programme includes a six-week creation process, and a UK and international mid-scale sustainable tour with community and outreach delivery.
Royal Court Theatre: Jerwood New Playwrights
£60,000 awarded YEARS: 2023/2024Jerwood's support enables an early-career writer/artist to become a Jerwood New Playwright and see their work produced in the Jerwood Theatre Upstairs at the Royal Court Theatre.
The Newbridge Project: Co-Act
£40,655 awarded YEARS: 2023/2024Jerwood's support helps enable Co-Act, a new Artist Development Programme for socially engaged artists hosted by The NewBridge Project. Co-Act brings together four early-career artists to develop collaborative and socially engaged ways of working.
Tŷ Cerdd Music Centre Wales: CoDI Composer Pathways
£64,000 awarded YEARS: 2023/24/25Jerwood's support has helped enable CoDI, a multi-faceted development programme for Welsh and Wales-based music creators. Tŷ Cerdd’s CoDI Composer Pathways programme's aim ois to create a community of composers and provide them with developmental opportunities.
Natural History Museum: Contemporary Arts Programme
£30,000 awarded YEARS: 2022/23/24Jerwood Foundation awarded an annual grant to the Natural History Museum to support three exhibitions, which will be shown in the Jerwood Gallery at the Museum. The second exhibition in the Contemporary Arts Programme, The Polar Silk Road, showcased 67 images by photographer Gregor Sailer.
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