A New Contemporary Acquisition for the Jerwood Collection

Saturday Wait, 2019 by Clare Woods (b. 1972) is the latest painting to be acquired for the Jerwood Collection and joins a growing number of works by British female contemporary artists including, Maggi Hambling, Rachel Howard, Chantal Joffe RA, Lisa Milroy RA, Fiona Rae RA and Rose Wylie RA. 


Having initially trained as a sculptor, Woods' understanding of sculptural forms underpins her pictorial work.  2019 marked a change in direction for Woods as she expanded her artistic practice, creating abstract paintings on large sheets of aluminium and introducing new motifs, including flowers and the human figure, to express vulnerability and mortality.  Saturday Wait is part of this exciting new body of work.


In late May, Clare Woods met up with Lara Wardle, Director Curator Jerwood Collection to discuss her work and influences.  Describing the relationship between Saturday Wait and works held in the Jerwood Collection, Woods said:  

"I knew a lot of the works in the Collection and Saturday Wait felt like the right painting.. contemporary, yet it is definitely based on the dialogue with a lot of the artists I have been looking at, people like Nash.. and late Sickert"

Discover which song by The Cure inspired the painting's title by watching this short film of their conversation here.




June 15, 2020
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